LOADS of couples feel a bit apprehensive about this bit - it's totally normal! Most of us can feel awkward when there's a camera pointing our way as, let's face it, it's not everyday we're getting followed around by a photographer, is it?! But fear not! I'm here to help and I promise it won't be as bad as you think!


Easier said than done sometimes, I know. But I'm really not that scary - promise! A big part of my job is to make you feel at ease in front of my camera. If you're feeling particularly nervous, please let me know. I guarantee you are WAY more 'photogenic' than you think you are.

The whole process is very chilled. We'll walk, we'll chat and I'll take a few pictures along the way! Easy-peasy. Just keep things moving (this is key to helping you feel less awkward), keep chatting and making each other laugh. You honestly have nothing to worry about!


One-on-one time together is so nice, isn't it? So make the most and enjoy it! (I mean, yes technically I'll be there third-wheeling, so you won't be totally alone, but you know, still enjoy it!)

The more you try and forget about me and just be yourselves, the more natural your photos will be.

My tip is to always to stay close to each other. Walk closely, hold hands, look at each other, snuggle up - that sort of thing.


Anything goes. Sometimes the more playful you are, the better. Don't hold back! There's never any judgement from me. I love nothing more than to see you let your hair down and enjoy each other's company. Maybe have a little dance in the park, spin each other around or jump in the air! And, you know what? Sometimes a little bit of silliness is what helps in order to snap those genuine little moments in-between. I'll be ready!


This might sound obvious, but smile! That's all I need to say, really.


I'm on your side! I want you to have beautiful photos! These are your memories of a really special time in your lives so I want to make them the best I can for you. So I need you to trust me!

If I see you do something lovely but the shot didn't feel quite right, I'll probably just ask you to do it again while I make a few adjustments of my own. I might see a cute little spot and ask you to stand somewhere specific, or adjust you slightly so that the light hits just right. I will always give prompts or make suggestions if you feel a bit stuck or will even give gentle direction too if it makes you feel better.


My job is to photograph couples in love. MY JOB! *pinch me* It's honestly the best things ever!! I feel so privileged to play a small part in such a big chapter in your story, and part of that means me watching you share a few kisses/private moments here and there. (It sounds a bit weird now I've written that down...it's not 'watching' you in a creepy way, it's in a nice, cute way - and I love it.)

Be prepared for me to ask you to share a quick kiss, peck, smooch - whatever you want to call it! But be more prepared for me 'awwwwwwh'ing at the back of my camera while I take the shots. I'll try not to be annoying with it, but I can't help myself, okay? Just thought you should know.

Here's a bit of inspo from some of my recent *real* couples...

Where at least one, if not both, said they were camera-shy!